The following payments are required to use the bot service.
- One Time Initialization Fee
- Subscription Fee
If PDT is added to the bot, the initial cost and bot usage fee will be 50% off.
One Time Initialization Fee (The cost will be reviewed due to price fluctuations of PDT)
An initial fee is charged for each bot in operation.
Cost: 75,000 PDT
Cost: 37,500 PDT (50% OFF)
Subscription Fee (The cost will be reviewed due to price fluctuations of PDT)
For One Year: Annual payment plan (recommended)
It is a great plan that you can get free for 2 months if you pay for the annual subscriptions fee.
Cost: 500,000 PDT
Cost: 250,000 PDT (50% OFF)
For One Month: Monthly plan
It is a plan that you pay monthly.
Cost: 50,000 PDT
Cost: 25,000PDT (50% OFF)
* Please note that refunds will not be provided if the initial fee / bot usage fee plan is changed or canceled after the payment is completed.